I took these yesterday in the park. Don't worry, I have printed some up and will be sending hard copies to the grandparents soon. I thought they turned out great....considering Andrew doesn't really enjoy getting his picture taken.
Here are some pictures of Andrew's birthday party. I think everyone had fun. Three of his friends from Sunday School came: Cate Davidson, Emily Barrios, and Keyleigh Midgett. No boys, but I think he likes the ladies better anyway. :) One of his babysitters, Janette, came as well. Anyway, I'm off to church, but thought I would post these first.
I wanted to share a couple of pictures with you. The first is of Andrew and my dad. He was here at the beginning of last week for a short visit. Andrew actually sat in that chair with him for awhile, and if any of you know my child, that is very uncommon. So I think he likes his Papaw. The other picture is of Andrew Sunday morning. I tried to spike his hair up with some gel, and in response he immediately started patting it back down. But I still think he looked precious. His birthday is Friday and his party is Saturday. I hope I don't cry at the party. I'm sure the stress of having several two year olds running around will damper any sentimental notions I get. :)