Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Socks in the Toilet

In case you can't tell, those are Andrew's socks floating in the toilet. We put him to bed last night and I went into the bathroom to find this (shocking, but hilarious) scene. Jay and I laughed so hard that we cried. I'm sorry if any of you are offended at seeing the potty in a picture, but it was just too funny not to post. I believe it's time to get the latch things for the potty. He has never really messed with it before except to close the lid (and I was so proud that he was learning that early that I never stopped him!). Anyway, everything else is ok here. We had to stay home from church last week because he caught this strain of hand, foot and mouth disease from someone at church. No big deal, just a rash all over him, but it didn't itch or anything. It's all gone now. So we are now just anticipating Andrew's birthday party in May. I haven't decided exactly what to do yet. But once I do, I will let everyone know.


Anonymous said...

ha! At least he hasn't learned to flush yet. Gibson and Haven took me to Chuck E Cheese for my birthday...I recommend it highly! We had fun!

R Lyndel Littleton said...

I'm glad to hear it was just hand and foot. I thought Jay had said something about mad cow...