Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Sleepless nights

As you you may or may not know Jay is in San Francisco right now with some of our youth & youth leaders, and our Ed. minister. They're doing great, having lots of ministry opportunities and fun as well. They'll get back late Saturday night. Summers are hard. Luckily I got to go to staff camp this year...below is a picture of Jay and Andrew on the last day. I just love my boys! Anyway, there are usually at least 2, sometimes more, weeks where I'm here alone. Well, Andrew is here too, but you know what I mean. I haven't spent any time with anyone over the age of 2 since Sunday. Praise the Lord it's a church night and I get to go to choir! Seriously, I'm very excited!
I never sleep well when Jay isn't here. I'm not scared or anything like that, I just toss and turn and wind up falling asleep right before Andrew wakes up (6 a.m. if you were curious!). Anyway, I wish I was the type of wife who could enjoy time to herself, but I'm just not. God did not wire me to be alone. I have done a couple of productive things while Jay has been gone though. I moved our computer into our bedroom. It was in the dining room but because of my new table, there wasn't room for it anymore. I cleaned the house, and made chicken spaghetti last night. It's not Jay's favorite dish, so I made it since he wasn't here. I also froze half of if for the week he's gone to camp (beginning of July). I also made a banana bread...needed to get rid of some bananas. So now when I weigh 300 lbs. at the end of the summer, you all will know why. :)

1 comment:

Chris Mace said...

Well I am sure that the reason that you cant sleep is because you miss the hubby right next to you. I know when I have to go out of town or Lila goes out of town I dont sleep very well. I hope that it gets better for you, always seems like you are ready to die if you arent sleeping very well. Yeah I am going to call up to Shreveport this weekend, and check on Will. Lets keep him in our prayers. I love you Christi and hope that all ends well!
