Thursday, September 28, 2006

Feeling Better

If some of you don't know, Andrew still has this junk (mainly cough) and has been kind enough to pass it along to his mommy. However, I think the worst is over. We both felt better today. Jay had some stuff to do at church tonight, so we went and had dinner with him. We went to Steak & Shake. After that we decided to be brave and take Andrew to Toys 'R Us. We were really scared that he would throw a fit to have everything, but he did really well. We went looking for this:

Andrew loves to hide in/under things, so we thought this would be great entertainment for him. As it turns out, he likes the pillows better:

He stayed in the bus all of two minutes and then wanted on the bed to play in the pillows. I was a mean mommy and didn't let him on the bed since we had just purchased this new toy for him. (This picture is from yesterday). Anyway, I guess we're learning the hard way that no matter how many toys you buy kids, they'd rather play with the box it came in. Well we better go and get ready for bed. I'll leave you with this family pic:


The Mr. & Mrs. said...

i love his new tent! Again, wonderful picture!

R Lyndel Littleton said...

What a cute bus. I think there is a correlation between the expense of an item and how little time they spend with it. ONe of those laws Murphy came up with. and who is that Murphy guy anyway?

Great family photo! Glad you all are better.

Anonymous said...

Remind me to tell you the tale of the Dora tent that Santa brought last year and where it lives now!