Saturday, June 09, 2007

Visitors from the East

Well, this post has been a long time coming. We have been super busy with camp and stuff that I haven't had time to blog until now. So LeAnn, I think this is within your week and a half deadline you gave me! :)
Janette and Perry came to visit in May and we had a wonderful time with them!! They got to come to church with us and hang out with the youth at our house. I'm sure they were ready to get home to their own beds and houses since Andrew woke them up very early every day they were here. Sorry guys! I hope it doesn't make you not want to come back! Here are a few pictures from their visit.

Notice Andrew's very long hair. In the next post you will see that he got a haircut. I will save the horrible details of that for later.
I don't have pictures of it because I forgot, but we also got to see Lyndel and Cheryl Thursday night of this week. (For those who don't know who they are, we were on staff with them in Tennessee) They were driving through on their way to San Antonio for the convention and they stopped and had dinner with us. It was so great to see them as well!! If anyone else from Tennessee feels like a drive, we would love to see you....we miss you all!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Christi!! i love the pictures. I am definitely going to come and visit yall again and plus it was good to wake up that early gave us a whole lot more daytime!!