Monday, February 02, 2009

50's Night and Gotcha Sucka!

First of all, this is my (Jay) first time posting on the blog in quite some time. I used to be the only one to do this. But Christi has joined the modern times, so that's good.

Here's a picture of Andrew all ready for 50's night at AWANA:

He's such a tough guy! He really loves to ham it up nowadays, so that brings us great joy. I think he's greatly looking forward to being a big brother. Unfortunately, baby sister still might have to be the one to teach him to eat right!

Now, on to the conclusion (hopefully) of a tremendous battle that has been waged within the confines of the Beerley house. After several visits from Ken (the exterminator guy), we finally have victory over the beast that has tormented us with scratching noises for about 3 or 4 months now. Praise God we never caught sight of this thing within the house.

I found it dead right by the driveway while taking the trash down to the street this evening. I about dropped dead right beside him. His body is about 8 inches long, and let's not discuss the tail.

But, for those keeping score: Beerleys 1, Rats 0.


Amber said...

Yikes! I am glad you didn't see him in the house, too!

Anonymous said...

You better make sure all that rats friends have left too before I come.
Tell Andrew his Nana thinks he is one too cool guy!!!

The Mr. & Mrs. said...

I hope it didn't have any "rat babies"?