Thursday, November 05, 2009

Anna Grace

I don't know how it happened, but Anna Grace is already 7 going on 8 months old! Time just seems to be flying by. Here are some recent pictures of her:

She is so much fun! She has her two bottom teeth and it seems that her top two may be coming in soon. She can now hold her bottle by herself, play peek-a-boo, sit very well on her own (she's been doing this for a couple of months now) and she's started to babble like crazy. She said dada the other day...I don't think it counts as her first word though since she's just babbling. Jay of course is counting it. :) Her favorite things to do are sit in the floor and play with toys, or an empty water bottle (I don't know why this intrigues her), play with her bubba (she just adores Andrew), eat, look at daddy and tear magazines apart. Andrew also loved doing this last one when he was a baby. Don't worry, I watch her closely to make sure none of it ends up in her mouth. This is quite a job because she puts just about everything in her mouth!
She is quite the mama's girl. She doesn't really like for anyone else to hold her, but once I leave the room she's fine with whoever has her. They told me Sunday in the nursery that another little baby boy tried to kiss her and she puckered up and started crying. Jay is teaching her well! :)

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