Monday, June 12, 2006

New Table and Sick Andrew

We just got back from staffing a kids camp in was WONDERFUL! I actually got to go and participate since Jay's mom lives in Dallas and she kept Andrew (thanks Nana). But now my little baby is sick. He started not feeling well Saturday I guess and now it's full blown. He's got a runny nose and his throat sounds bad...sorta been coughing but more than anything it just sounds gruff. I was supposed to be at VBS today but I didn't think I should chance taking him and contaminating anyone else. So you can pray that he feels better soon.
Also, I FINALLY got a new kitchen table. Jay found it at SAMs and it was a GREAT deal, so we got it Saturday. Thought I would post a picture for all of you who care. And for those of you who actually saw my other table and chairs (that should be condemned) you know this is a big step up! I'm so we can actually have people over for dinner.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can't believe you got that for $350. The price now is back up to $587 on the website. You got a DEAL! Hope Andrew feels better soon!