Saturday, November 10, 2007

Visit to ER....

And I'm not referring to the set of the popular medical drama. Today Andrew had his first visit to the emergency room. He started coughing yesterday and then woke up this morning having trouble breathing. So we gave him a breathing treatment. It helped some, but by lunch time he had also developed a fever. So we decided to put him down for his nap and see how he was when he woke up. Well, he couldn't even get to sleep he was coughing so much, so I went in his room to check on him and I heard the wheezing as soon as I opened his door. He was really struggling. So we decided to take him to the clinic that's open on Saturdays. As soon as we got back in to the room the nurse said, "wow, he's really struggling, I think I'm going to go ahead and get the dr." The dr. came in and listened to him and said that he really thought we should take him to the ER. He said his chest was really tight and he really thought he should have an x-ray. So, off we go to the ER. I'm really worrying by this point because I didn't think autistic children and hospitals meshed very well. I just knew he was not going to cooperate with them, especially since he was going to have to have an x-ray!!! Well, Andrew amazed us. He did soooo great through everything. They gave him three breathing treatments and decided that he has bronchitis. We've always had to hold him down for breathing treatments, but by the second one he just sat there like a little angel and we even gave him one tonight before bed and he just laid back and relaxed during it!!! Here are some pictures of our visit:
This is after the second breathing treatment, I think. He was already feeling better. Oh and did I mention that we were supposed to be having our sunday school class over for appetizers for our progressive dinner tonight? Thankfully our pastor's wife is a saint! She came over and fixed all of the stuff I had already bought and everyone just came over as planned. When we got home we couldn't even tell anyone had been here!! So anyway, hopefully Andrew will be feeling all better soon. He's on cough medicine, steroids and an antibiotic so I'm sure he will!


theapplings said...

Oh poor Andrew. We have done the ER thing many times. Those with Asthma/breathing disorders know about all of these things. I am so proud of how well he did. Hospitals are really fun for children these days (without the needles of course). They get popcicles, watch movies, fun new toys. I am glad to hear that all is well. Take care.

Anonymous said...

Oh dear! Gus had to go to the ER when they found out he had asthma. He was no where near as cooperative! Hope he feels better!

Anonymous said...

Hospitals are fun??? Couldn't you hear Cate screaming from PV? I'm glad Andrew did well and is on the road to recovery! It's not fun to worry over your little ones so much!

Rachel Wilson said...

I must say that i am very impressed. It has been my experience 100% of the time that we have neede demergent care that it becomes a fiasco! I always say "My son has autism, please tell me what you are going to do and then I will tell him" my thinking in this is that I can filter out the stuff he doesnt understand, which terrifies and just tell him what he can absorb in a quick manor! NEVER DOES IT WORK. some doctor who thinks he is SO much wiser than me comes in and starts in with "We are going to give you a shot" and then he is goner! I am so glad for you b/c I think one good experience could set presidence for any future visits.