Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Andrew's First Awards Ceremony

This past Sunday night, the precious praise choir got to walk across the stage and get their award for memorizing hymns (which Andrew did not, but they had pity on the little guys). Let me tell you that when they told me Andrew would be doing this, my heart stopped. Andrew LOVES, I mean, LOVES to be on stage. So I just knew that he would never get down once he was up there, but he surprised me once again. They brought them in the sanctuary all together, as seen here:

When they called his name, they led him on stage and he got his trophy (with his name engraved and everything!). He then turned around (wish I had a picture, but the camera malfunctioned) and just looked out at everyone and smiled. He started to protest getting off the stage, but then miraculously just came down and sat with Jay and I. We were very proud of him.

1 comment:

The Mr. & Mrs. said...

yah for andrew! that's so sweet that they included him too!