Monday, August 28, 2006

Every other day of the week is fine, yeah....

Christi didn't know my title reference, but I'm sure someone will. Anyway...
Today was Monday. We didn't do too much. Tried to get Andrew out of the house. But, weirdly enough, it's been raining. Like for two days it's rained which has dropped the temp. In fact, we didn't see any more 100+ forcasted for the rest of the week. Good stuff.
Here's some pics of us hanging out with Drew...

Also, when we went to Wal-Mart, we splurged $1 and got a cart that we thought Andrew would enjoy more for shopping. He did.

Lastly, we got to have something for dinner that is unavailable back in Tennessee...Chicken Express! You can check out their website here. Trust us, it's amazing.
Well, that wraps up today. We just watched Hoodwinked and now are heading off to bed soon. Take care everyone!
(BTW Lindsey, we'll be back on Saturday :))

Oh yeah, and I didn't go see the movie. Maybe tomorrow...


The Mr. & Mrs. said...

Christy, you look really good in that picture! That is good to know that you will be back on saturday! enjoy the rest of your time together!

Anonymous said...

but whenever Monday comes....I'm sorry to say that I am old enough to know the reference. Word for word all the way to the end of the song!!! It sounds like you guys are having a good time. I'm glad it rained and cooled it off. I wish it would have rained while we were in Oklahoma!!! 108 is too hot!!! Have a great time, but hurry home!

R Lyndel Littleton said...

I never figured out the attraction of the Mommas and the Papas. Fun music but totally sung out of tune. ba-daaaa-ba-da-da-da. Monday, Monday, ba-daaa-da-da-da-da