Thursday, August 31, 2006

A little fun, A little misery...

I guess almost every day has some of both. Anyway, we'll do the fun first...
We spent the morning at the pool. Fun times. Here's some of that...

While we were there, Christi I guess felt like a professional photographer. Here's a piece of her work...

After nap time, Drew woke up to a present from Nana. It may not seem like much, but let me tell you, that's Drew. He loved it! Unfortunately it also squeeks alot.

Well, that about wrapped up the fun part of the day. The misery portion of our night/morning started at about 11:30 when Drew woke up snotty, even though we had given him medicine right before bed. He slept off and on until about 2 (mostly off) and then was up until about 5:30. We tried some more medicines and he slept for about an hour and half and then we've pretty much been up since. All you kid people know the nights I'm talking about.
So, there you go. If Drew really is sick, we may leave today. We'll see.
Ok, have fun out there!


The Mr. & Mrs. said...

Andrew finally got to swim! nice picture Christy!

R Lyndel Littleton said...

I'm glad you all are coming home. I've missed all three of you. Swimming looks fun. Great butterfly picture.