Wednesday, April 26, 2006

That Crazy Andrew

We've thought that our VCR was just messed up for awhile now. I had tried a few weeks ago to get the tape out and it wouldn't come out. I just chalked it up to it being old and didn't worry about it too much because they're about extinct anyway. Well Jay got determined last night to fix it. It took him all of two minutes...he lifted the little flap thing and saw what you see in the picture above. The tape wouldn't come out because our sweet Andrew decided that this little memory disc needed a home inside the VCR. It's becoming apparent to us that he likes to find a home for things like this (remember his socks?). So our days are never boring with him around. The other picture is of him in his new papasan(sp?) chair. A lady at church bought this for one of her girls and it was too small, so we decided to buy it from her. He loves it!
His birthday is just two and half weeks away now. I just found out there is another birthday party on the day I was going to have his...not quite sure what to do yet. It wouldn't be a big deal except this birthday party involves a couple of his friends that are in his Sunday school class and I really want them there. I also already reserved our clubhouse for this date, but I'll figure something out.
Well, I'm off until I find some other foreign object in a place it doesn't belong. :)

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