Friday, April 27, 2007

Petting Zoo and Stuff

Life is crazy busy right now, so we're sorry Tessa that we can't blog as much as you'd like. We'll try to do our best when we can.
These are some pictures of Andrew at the petting zoo. He loves animals and we thought this would be so much fun for him! He was so excited as we were going in:

But then he wouldn't get close to any of the animals once we were inside. Some of them were kind of scary looking. We got him semi-close to this camel you see in the background, but he was really scared of it.

It took him all of 3 minutes to figure out that the floor was made of dirt and apparently this is a lot more interesting to a 3 year old than cool animals:

After about 5 minutes of him playing in the dirt we left.

Everything is going really well...we are busy all of the time it seems. The youth are over at our house a lot and Andrew LOVES it!! He thinks they're here just to play with him. Here are a few pictures:
They've nicknamed him catfish and pretty much spoil him rotten.
So that's life right now. We're getting ready to celebrate Andrew's 3rd birthday in a couple of weeks, so look for that blog soon.


Anonymous said...

Thank you soooooooo much! I don't think you know how much we miss you! I only pester you because I love you! Right now we're down three ministers. Daveman and his crew will be leaving in a few weeks. Come back! I'm kidding. You all seem to be having fun. I heard a song that made me think about you today. It's a rock song called "Come back to Texas" You all need to email me your new email address. I'm about to go nuts without communication and so is Mallory! I pray for you all the time. God Bless! Isaiah 40:31

The Mr. & Mrs. said...

i love how the guy on the floor with andrew has on a VBS t-shirt! that makes me happy! and it's halarious how it took andrew just 3 minutes to figure out the floor was dirt! love you all!

Anonymous said...

Yea Andrew's turning 3! Christi, you look wonderful! I miss you muchos! Only 1 meeting and then the picnic! YEA!!!! Love u guys!