Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Swimming Table?

This morning Andrew wanted to go outside and play in the "wawer", so we did. He has a water table that Nana bought him for his birthday so I put water in it and he played normally for awhile and then moved on to the sand box. I had to start lunch so I left him out there for a minute. I can see the back porch from the kitchen, but Andrew has never been too adventurous anyway, so I knew he would be fine just playing. I peeked out the window at one point and saw what I thought was his foot in the water table and thought, "what in the world is he doing?" Well, it wasn't just his foot, it was his whole body!!

He's never done this before, but I guess he wanted to go swimming! I'm not even sure how he got in there!!! The table isn't the sturdiest thing in the world so I would have figured it would have toppled over as he was trying to get in. But I guess for a three year old, where there's a will, there's a way. He stayed in there for about 30 minutes and was just as content as could be. Finding things like this is one of my favorite things about parenting.


Anonymous said...

Yes, where there's a will...But he looks very proud of himself!

Anonymous said...

That's funny.....seriously, really, really funny!

The Mr. & Mrs. said...

that is too cute! smart kid!