Sunday, October 14, 2007


Yesterday I went to Tyler to see my little sister and neice Alyson. We decided to take the kids to the zoo since it was such a pretty day. Andrew LOVED it!!! I knew he would since he loves animals so much.

He behaved pretty well too....the only tantrum came when we were leaving the reptile house. I think he might make that his new home if I would let him. But I spanked him and then ignored his fit for a minute and told him to come on and he just got up and came.
Afterward we went to visit my grandmother where Andrew and Alyson played/wrestled some more. For some reason Andrew really loved laying on Alyson.
The day must have worn him out because after about two minutes into the ride home, I looked back and saw this:


Anonymous said...

I love the zoo too!! I miss yall! maybe one day we will be able to catch up christi. seems we enjoy playing phone tag. I do have tons to tell you. Hope everything is going good! Give andrew a big hug from me. love you guys!

Rachel Wilson said...

Hi, I was wanting to check in on Andrew. The hair cut cracked me up simply b/c we have to do the same thing! Well we did for years. We would let it grow and grow (looks like a shrub b/c it is naturaly wavy) then wrestle him down and shave it off and start over! I have a girlfriend who is so sweet, she now comes to our home for hair cut day and we buy her and her daughter some pizza (and us) and she cuts his hair. She talks to him the whole time and uses scissors not clippers b/c the noise and the sensation are way to much! I understand all to well. I am so glad he is doing well in school. Early intervention is TRULY the key.

Anonymous said...

How can sleeping like that be comfortable? I guess he was REALLY worn out!