Sunday, October 14, 2007

Haircut & School Update

We decided that instead of paying for Andrew's haircut, we would do it this time. We just buzzed it, but he did a lot better for us than he does for the ladies at Cool Cuts for Kids. It made me a little sad to have his hair all gone, but I got over it when I didn't have to fight him to fix it for church!

He's doing really well in school. In the three full weeks he's been in now, we've seen dramatic improvements in his behavior. The Wednesday night after he started, I picked him up from the church nursery and they said he actually participated in the lesson. And everytime since then when I've picked him up they tell me that he's doing tons better at playing with the other kids, doing the craft, and sitting in circle time. Thursday night and Friday night we went to some local football games and he sat there the whole time like a little angel! He never once tried to get off the bleachers...he just sat and either watched the game or played with his toys. He also ate some popcorn at one of these games! This is a big deal because Andrew would never eat popcorn before. He loves it now though. Hopefully he will continue to try new foods. His teacher tells me that he does great at school. He has the occassional tantrum, but gets over it quickly. They even go to the big cafeteria to eat and she said that he just sits there and eats his lunch (which I hate to call lunch since it's at 10:30 a.m.!). So we're really proud of him. We are currently looking into taking him to a doctor who specializes in autism. There are just tons of things we've read about that we'd like to have him tested for. But it's a little scary because we know nothing about these doctors. I made an appointment with one the other day and asked Jay's mom to see if she could find out anything about him (she's a nurse in the Dallas area) and it turns out he's a quack who reads the kids aura!! So please pray that we'll have wisdom in choosing the right doctor.


Anonymous said...

Gus had some therapists that came to the house about two times a week after school. He had speech and occupational therapy to help him form words better and deal with foods with different textures. There are some great doctors as long as they try to target the major issues instead of the details. Also, never let anyone tell you he's too young to tell anything. If ANY doctor EVER says that, walk away and don't go back, because it won't get any better. God's will is the best way. He will lead you in the right direction.

Anonymous said...

I'm so proud of Andrew for sitting still on the bleachers! Bad things can happen to little children who won't sit still on bleachers! We are praying for direction as you search for a doctor and answers!

The Mr. & Mrs. said...

i'm so happy to hear the update! Andrew sounds like he is doing great and i love to hear school is helping him a lot! i'll begin praying for a doctor! love you!