Saturday, February 16, 2008

Yay for Allergists!!!

Our appt. with the allergist went very well!!! Andrew was almost an angel...they had to draw blood so that was the only bad part, but lasted two seconds. The allergist took lots of time with us asking questions and letting us ask questions. Basically she ran two panels on him. One for regular food, mold, dust and pet allergies and the other is a very new panel that she can't even tell us is 100 percnt accurate, but it will let us know if milk or wheat is effecting his behavior any. I was so pleased that she brought up this test when we were talking about his autism. Most medical drs. won't even discuss these types of things with you. We will get the results of the panels on the 25th.
In discussing his allergies with us, she told us to up his dose of Zyrtec (because he weighs what a 6 year old does!) and she also sent us home with samples of a nose spray and an inhaler. We saw results immediately!! And he slept through the night Wednesday and Thursday!!! What a blessing.

The above picture is Andrew doing a breathing treatment. He's come a long way hasn't he Nana?? He used to kick and scream the whole time and it was torture. He's such a big boy now.
The below picture is Andrew and Jay kicking back and having some popcorn. Jay took the college students to Passion last night and will return home this evening. Andrew is really missing his Daddy. He woke up at 6 this morning screaming for him....he calls him Jay sometimes when he doesn't answer immediately, it's too cute.


Daniel and Christy Davis said...

Glad the allergy testing went well. If you find out he needs to avoid certain foods I have some cookbooks I can recommend. We haven't done blood tests with Hannah yet - he said he will do that next year when she is 3! Glad the breathing treatments are going better. I used to have to pin Hannah down but now she seems to like them!

Anonymous said...

Yea, Andrew! What a big boy!

April said...

Aww...Andrew is getting so big! He is a big boy. Thanks for your comments as well. You guys take care.