Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Glimpses of Progress

I'm not sure if any of you read the last post but Andrew has had a rough few weeks. Well, today God decided to show me that Andrew is very smart and indeed making great strides. Our son absolutely loves sea life....all kinds, but sharks and whales are the favored ones at the moment. Tonight as we were putting him down to bed, we were reading this informational book about sharks that we have read many times. Jay decided to ask Andrew if he knew what kind of shark was on the page and our brilliant child replied "That's a whale shark." AND IT WAS!! Not only was he right about the type, he also said a full sentence!! He then proceeded to tell us which one the hammerhead was just in case we thought he was guessing before. Jay and I were both overwhelmed with joy and pride. We have known Andrew is smart and capable of these types of things, but haven't seen much fruit of it. He's been talking so much more here lately and saying more and more sentences. They're usually two or three word sentences, but tonight shows that he's capable of more. God is good.
On a side note, Andrew's been sick the last few days with a horrible cough that is making is asthma flare up. I took him to the dr. yesterday and she said his ears were a little red and gave us an antibiotic. Between that and the breathing treatments every 4 hrs., he seems a little better tonight. Another thing we got while we were at the dr. was an appt. with the pediatric allergist on Monday! I'm very excited about this as Andrew's allergies just keep getting worse the older he gets....and we're pretty sure he has a peanut allergy so that will be good to know for sure. I hope the next post is telling about how my child was a perfect angel while they gave him these allergy tests! We'll see. :)


Anonymous said...

He is so smart! And it's good that y'all have found something he excels at so young!

Daniel and Christy Davis said...

How did he do at the allergist...if I had read your blog before I would have given you some advice beforehand...but hopefully all went well! Sorry that you also have to deal with the asthma and allergies!

Hope all is well! Sorry I don't keep up more often since you always keep up with us!


Anonymous said...

You'll probably find him to be much more impressive in the next few months. It's at his age at which autistic kids normally start to show their incredible intelligence. Gus started to really show everybody what he could do when he was Andrew's age. Get ready!!!